
Governance and Land Use Planning

Supporting Indigenous communities with regulating and managing their lands and resources.

Legal support for governance initiatives includes the development and implementation of self-government agreements, community policies, and legal frameworks that respect and uphold Indigenous sovereignty and traditional governance practices. Effective governance ensures that Indigenous communities have the authority and resources to make decisions that reflect their values and priorities.

Strategic land use planning addresses issues such as land claims, resource development, environmental protection, and the integration of traditional knowledge into land use strategies, seeking to balance development needs with the preservation of cultural heritage and environmental sustainability.

We provide strategic advice and legal support for:

  • Drafting, interpreting, amending, and applying your laws
  • Protecting and leveraging rights and title in your territory

Representative Experience

  • Membership, election, and land codes
  • Housing, business licencing, and law and order bylaws
  • Training members and committees on bylaws
  • Advice on structuring institutions and programs, including the relationships between economic development, governance, and environmental/cultural stewardship