Kajia Eidse-Rempel joined the team as an associate in October 2018. Her legal practice spans both solicitor and litigation areas and includes Indigenous governance, Crown consultation, negotiations with industry, Aboriginal title and rights litigation, and land stewardship. Kajia is a co-chair of the Executive of the Vancouver Island Aboriginal Law subsection of the Canadian Bar Association.
Prior to joining Sequoia Legal, Kajia clerked at the Federal Court of Appeal for Justice Eleanor Dawson, working closely on the Tsleil-Waututh Nation v. Attorney General, 2018 FCA 153 case relating to the Trans Mountain pipeline project, among others.
Kajia grew up in Treaty One territory in Winnipeg and attended law school at the University of Manitoba, where she completed internships with the National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation and the Public Interest Law Centre and clerked for the Manitoba Court of Appeal. In addition to her law degree, Kajia holds Master’s Degree in Philosophy from Western University.